Side by Side – Day 5 “Daily Battles”

Greg Wasinski Uncategorized

One thing we don’t talk about enough is “Spiritual Warfare.” Anytime we desire a closer relationship with Christ, the devil will work harder to do what he can in order to persuade us away. The Father knew this would be part of our humanness, so the Spirit leads His Son, Jesus, into the desert to be tempted before he begins …

Side by Side – Day 2 “Hope”

Greg Wasinski Uncategorized

One word that seems to be getting lost in our society is “HOPE.” People have become so accustomed to living in the moment, immersed in technology; they stop looking at the world around them to see the beauty. It also prevents them from looking past the struggles they are experiencing to understand there is hope for their future. Together we …

Let It Be Done Unto Me – Week 4 “Connecting the Dots”

Gregory Wasinski Uncategorized

Readings: IS 7:10-14, ROM 1:1-7, MT 1:18-24 Quote: “The virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel” (IS 7:14) CCC Point: #526 “To become a child in relation to God is the condition for entering the kingdom.205 For this, we must humble ourselves and become little. Even more: to become “children of God” we mu–t be “born …