Let Me Be… “Humble”

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

Humble… the question is can we be humble? Humility is something we have in every situation. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective each week to help viewers think about what each of us is called to be in order to live a full life inspired in faith.

72 & Counting…How will you die?

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

72 & Counting Mid-Week Reflection with Greg Wasinski Last Sunday’s Readings were: MACC 7: 1 – 2, 9 – 14 2THES 2: 16 – 3: 5 LUKE 20: 27 – 38

72 & Counting… Hide & Seek

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

Weekly Sunday Reflections with Greg Wasinski  – Sunday, October 30, 2022: “Hide and Seek” Wisdom 11:22-12:2 2 Thes 1:11-2:2 Luke 19:1-10

Let Me Be… “Beautiful”

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

Beauty is not vanity. To be beautiful is the reminder that we are all unique to the person God created us to be so that we can live our passions. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective each week to help viewers think about what each of us is called to be in order to live a full …

Let Me Be…”Patient”

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180, Featured

Patience isn’t just a virtue while waiting at the doctor’s office or grocery store. We have to be willing to let God work in a manner that helps get rid of what need to set aside and allow the beauty of what is in store to flourish at the right time. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective …

“Let Me Be…” Open

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

We must remain open to what life gives us, how we move forward, and who God calls us to be always. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective each week to help viewers think about what each of us is called to be in order to live a full life inspired in faith.

72 & Counting…Acknowledgement & Acceptance

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

Evangelist, Greg Wasinski, goes deeper into the previous Sunday’s scripture for a mid-week reflection and a different look into the readings. This week we focus on the theme of Acknowledgement & Acceptance. With a focus on the Gospel of the 10 Lepers in Luke 17, we look beyond the obvious take of gratitude. Instead we see that salvation is actually …

“Let Me Be…” Present

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180

A great reminder for all of us to be in the moment. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective each week to help viewers think about what each of us is called to be in order to live a full life inspired in faith.