Episode 605: “Faith & Psychology” – Guest: Ariane Sroubek

Greg Wasinski Faith & Real Life Podcast, Featured

Sometimes we can caught in the trap between science and faith (or “religion”). This conversation with Psychologist, Dr. Ariane Sroubek, reminds us how our beliefs and the mind’s ability to remain healthy are often intertwined. Host, Greg Wasinski, and Ariane discuss a wide range of topics including past hurts, mental illness, chronic pain, loved ones away from the church, and …

Let Me Be…”Patient”

Greg Wasinski FAITH 180, Featured

Patience isn’t just a virtue while waiting at the doctor’s office or grocery store. We have to be willing to let God work in a manner that helps get rid of what need to set aside and allow the beauty of what is in store to flourish at the right time. Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, shares a new adjective …