In this segment, Greg Wasinski, Inspirational Speaker & Author, has us think about our willingness to fully commit to what we believe. If we are stuck in the middle, not sure if we really trust God with everything, we can be in a personal much worse than not believing at all.
Faith and Real Life Moments “Pride” – Seven Deadly Sins
When we begin to look at each of the seven deadly sins individually, we have to start with the source of sin. PRIDE In a famous quote by St. Augustine, He says, “It was pride that changed Angels into Devils.”
“Servant Leadership” (Greg Wasinski)
In this segment, “Let Me Be…” Ministries, Executive Director & Business Consultant, Greg Wasinski, helps us better understand the need to lead like a servant. We all have a responsibility to be the best example we can be for those entrusted to our care.
Song – “All are Welcome” (Jesse Manibusan)
In this segment, Catholic Musician & Evangelist, Jesse Manibusan, shares his song “All are Welcome.” It is not our job to judge. We must all be more inviting and accepting others into our faith based communities. Enjoy this acoustical version of his hit song and know, you are welcome too.
“Behind the Smile” (Jesse Manibusan)
In this segment, Catholic Evangelist, Jesse Manibusan, tells us why he wears the smiley face shirt as the image for his ministry as he battles depression. What others recognize in us can be the love we need to get the help we long to have.
“Daddy’s Girl” (Carrie Ford)
In this segment, Carrie Ford reminisces about dreams as a little girl. In the end, being a daughter of God has allowed her to realize she is accomplishing everything she imagined as a child.
“Missionary Mom” (Carrie Ford)
In this segment, Recording Artist, Carrie Ford, reminds all moms of the mission work found in our homes. Wherever you are at any time in your vocation allows you to do the work of God.
“Honor Your Mother & Father” (Joe Cronauer)
In this segment, Radio & Television Personality, Joe Cronauer, invites us to pay attention to our aging parents. The fourth commandment is the perfect guide as we grow as children no matter what age we are.