My dad died at the age of 60. I was 35 years old, living by myself, in a house I owned on the other side of the country. His dying taught me so much about life. Or should I say, how death is a part of life. In his short life, my dad went through suffering with lung cancer, with …
Jon Leonetti Morning Show – Iowa Catholic Radio
Greg Wasinski talks about how we remain focused on our goal of heaven, even when distractions try to steal our focus on faith. Interview was originally recorded on June 18, 2024.
Overcoming Anger, It Only Hurts Yourself
The number of angry people these days is astonishing to me. I think religion, politics, the redefinition of some words and relationships, and different opinions on social justice issues are some of the biggest reasons. But as I often have told my kids, with anger I’m only hurting myself. This was repeated to my kids quite a bit as they …
Coming from Victory
There are times in everybody’s life when they feel defeated. Many times during these valleys my head often doesn’t want to do what my heart knows is best. It causes agitation and anxiety. I know when I’m grumpy. In a sense, I feel like I’m being attacked. Only time and prayer gets me to the point of remembering that I …
Too Tired to Fight
Click on the image or the link for the FREE Download of: Too Tired To Fight_2023
I Love Lamp…
I Love Lamp… By Greg Wasinski Sometimes our attempts at finding true love is as ridiculous as the scene from the movie, Anchorman where Brick Tamland (played by Steve Carell) begins to blurt out things in the room he loves just in order to be included: Brick Tamland: “I love… carpet. [pause] I love… desk.” Ron Burgundy: “Brick, are you …
Volunteer to Serve
VOLUNTEER to SERVE By Cyndi Sikora It has occurred to me that a lot of us, parents in particular, probably have never been taught, or learned how important volunteering is to family and community life. When my kids were in high school, they insisted on the need to do service to get a good grade in some classes. When I …
While reading Mark’s Gospel this week on Thursday, Jesus asked the question of the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” I have reflected on this many times and devoted a whole chapter in my last book on this, yet this time when I heard it, I focused on Peter’s response to Jesus.
Life is interesting in 2023, isn’t it? Everything we could ever need is at our fingertips and the world has created a category of lifestyle for every person to find “happiness” in true self. Yet, the mental health crisis has hit an all-time high and less people are attending church than any time in recent history. Why do I bring …
Godly Friendships
Godly Friendships By: Libby Peterson Friendships have always been of great value and importance in my life. I thrive on having authentic and true friendships. Over the last few years, I have been blessed to experience a new level of friendship in my life. It all started with committing to my health and fitness with one of my lifelong friends, …
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