Happy Easter!… No, you haven’t gone to the wrong reflection. Even in our Lenten journey we have to remain hopeful and recognize EVERY Sunday is a mini Easter.
My family still has dinner every Sunday with my mother. I am the youngest of three boys (51, 49, 44) and have a sister who is 32. Yes, we still all come with our children too. Why? Family is the most important thing and we have so much to celebrate. Even if nothing magical happens when we get together or if we all just watch TV, we are still together knowing who we belong to in this world.
Our faith is the same way. We are called together as church, sometimes even in our dysfunctionality, to be one and focus on Jesus’ hope. Rejoice today knowing you are becoming a new creation and when this journey is over, we will celebrate the risen Christ. Today celebrate and know God can and God will.