Side by Side – Day 8 “Great Power, Great Responsibility”

Greg Wasinski Uncategorized

In the movie, Spiderman, there is an awesome line: “With great power comes great responsibility.” As Catholic Christians we are all given gifts and talents to play our part in changing the world; it’s called our vocation. Every once and a while we don’t like what we are being asked to do…we have to do it anyway.

Today our readings tell us about how Jonah saves the city of Nineveh by helping them repent and change their hearts. Don’t forget though, Jonah didn’t trust God at first and wouldn’t go when originally asked… this is how he ended up in the belly of a whale. Guess what? He eventually went.

Lent is as much about us placing our trust in God’s hands to be who He has created us to be. If we try and deny that, He will still get us there, we just will have to suffer lots of setbacks until we finally say yes.