In this segment, Greg Wasinski, Inspirational Speaker & Author, has us think about our willingness to fully commit to what we believe. If we are stuck in the middle, not sure if we really trust God with everything, we can be in a personal much worse than not believing at all.

On this episode of the Truth Be Told Podcast with Greg Wasinski & Mike Hasychak, we discuss why we believe what we believe as Catholic Christians. Gaining a deeper understanding that this is not merely a man made religion, but instead a “holy Spirit” inspired church utilizing human obedience to share community and the pathway to heaven. We have to …

Faith and Real Life Moments “Envy” – Seven Deadly Sins
When this seed is planted, the deadly sin of envy, will manifest into a nasty vine of thorns which ruins relationships, destroys self-worth, ends charity, and obliterates gratitude. It isn’t just wanting the material stuff, but it could be how others look, their financial situation, the marriage they have or whatever leads you to think they have it way better …

Faith and Real Life Moments “Rosary”
Many of us search for an answer to our issues. Our fears and our anxieties. The answer is always before us in the narrative of the Rosary…. Through the decades on the rosary we immerse ourselves in the story of Christ, hear of the faithfulness of Mary, and we receive the protection of the Blessed Mother.
“Prayer Plans” (Greg Wasinski)
In this segment, Greg Wasinski, Inspirational Speaker & Author, calls us to make an effort to lay out a plan to spend time with God. We make a list for everything else, it is vital to think about how we can grow in relationship in prayer too.