This episode explores faith for ALL ages. Bill Miller has served in ministry in some form for over fifty years. This conversation with Greg Wasinski explores a wide array of aspects of God’s unconditional love. Not only do they look at the basic understanding of forming a relationship with God, but they go deeper to highlight the need for community and also the power we all have, regardless of age, to contribute something to this world. Bill’s journey has taken him through the Catholic faith, but he wants listeners to know, that’s his path, and they may have their own way they are coming in communion with God.
Bill is also the author of his new book “A Time of Blessings and Peace” – 30 mini retreats to celebrate the retirement years. To purchase your copy go to
Greg Wasinski is a full-time Catholic Christian Evangelist and Author who has traveled the country since 2009, sharing a message of hope through faith. He has presented in over 125 cities across 28 states and two countries. His podcasts and video blogs have been seen worldwide, inspiring others to commit more deeply to a relationship with God and helping the faithful better understand “why we believe what we believe.” For more information, visit:
Trilogy Retreat Property is a 24-acre, bed-and-breakfast-style retreat property in Northeast Ohio. With five guest rooms, a two-acre lake, a guest cottage, a swimming pool, and an indoor hot tub, guests feel comfort while allowing their souls to find rest and experience God in a new way. For more information, visit:
Music provided by, and copyright, Michael James Mette – “Glimpses of You”