In a world where many feel forgotten, disconnected, or spiritually lost, Faith and Real Life Ministry’s The One Initiative calls for action, inspired by the parable of the lost sheep. Guided by Luke 15:6, "Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost," this initiative emphasizes our responsibility to pursue those who have strayed from the fold.
Our mission is to nourish Catholics with authentic Church teachings and Scripture, helping them understand the transformative power of faith. We are committed to reaching out to the elderly who feel overlooked, families torn apart by life's challenges, those who have left the Church, and individuals who have never encountered it.
With Greg Wasinski's real-life faith message, The One Initiative aims to build a movement that reassures the forgotten of their value in God's eyes. With financial support, we will engage in personal outreach, foster meaningful conversations, and offer compassionate programs that bring hope and a renewed sense of belonging to those who need it most.
Faith and Real Life Ministry's five-year campaign plan (2025–2029) is a strategic initiative designed to address some of the most critical issues within the Catholic Church, helping individuals return to church and deepen their understanding of the faith and its sacraments. Through a $4,500,000 capital campaign, we will launch essential evangelization projects that inspire hope, restore faith, and rebuild a sense of belonging in the Catholic community. By starting with the basics of one’s relationship with Christ, we ensure that each year builds on the previous one, fostering sustained engagement and spiritual growth before diving into deeper theological discussions.