Episode 210 “Faith Over Fear”

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

What does it really take to trust that everything will be alright? How do we hang on despite the unexpected diagnosis? Where do we place our trust in relationships or living out our dreams? On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel share some tips on how we place the strength, only found in faith, over the despair that …

Episode 209 “Community”

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel look at the power of community, along with our need to be supported in this life. They also talk about our responsibility to share community with those in need.

Episode 208 “Saints” Part 2

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel continues our conversation on the Saints of the church. Today we focus on stories of people who becam saints because of their actions, as well as some who have very interesting stories to go with them. In Millie’s Minute, she gives an overview of the process the church uses to canonize …

Episode 207 “Saints” Part 1

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel answer some of the questions on why our faith honors saints and why we ask for intercessions. After all, the basis of faith and real life is working God into every instance so we can achieve our goal to get to Heaven.

Episode 206 “Faith in Family”

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel share the need for our families to be led with an image of faith. While we may not have all the answers or live perfect lives, our children and our spouses need to be reminded that God is part of all we do. We shouldn’t be timid about our faith, but …

Episode 205 “Social Justice”

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel talk about the specifics of what the term “social justice” really refers to. It isn’t an attack on those who have more than others, but rather an awareness we all must have for our brothers and sisters in need, physically, financially, and spiritually.

Episode 204: “Apples & Oranges”

Elizabeth Peterson Faith & Real Life Podcast

On this episode, Greg Wasinski and Co-host Millie Prebel will NOT be discussing produce, but instead talking about “perception” and how it can stunt our spiritual growth. We have to remain true to our gifts and WHO God made us to be instead of constantly judging ourselves by the world’s standards.