Two closely related deadly sins are greed and gluttony. It’s important we recognize the difference so we can be truly aware of the evil one’s desires to make things of this world more important than God. Greed says hold on. Gluttony is all about living in excess and consuming all you can.
Faith and Real Life Moments “Pride” – Seven Deadly Sins
When we begin to look at each of the seven deadly sins individually, we have to start with the source of sin. PRIDE In a famous quote by St. Augustine, He says, “It was pride that changed Angels into Devils.”
Faith and Real Life Moments “Missionaries”
Are you a missionary? The first thought we usually have is “no”. But the fact is, our mission field doesn’t have to be a third world country or anywhere other than where we are in this moment.
Faith and Real Life Moments “Rosary”
Many of us search for an answer to our issues. Our fears and our anxieties. The answer is always before us in the narrative of the Rosary…. Through the decades on the rosary we immerse ourselves in the story of Christ, hear of the faithfulness of Mary, and we receive the protection of the Blessed Mother.
Faith and Real Life Moments “Setbacks”
While we acknowledge our need to be better, if we don’t deal with things that prevented us from reaching our goals, they will stunt the growth we’re searching for now. Setbacks can be the best thing to happen to us. They show us that even though we’ve fallen, we still got through it. They drive us to be better. Setbacks …
Faith and Real Life Moments “Breaking Through”
Every single moment of our day, God is grabbing us and presenting himself to us in different ways to make a connection. He’s not looking to just kind of give us an idea of who we are, what we’re capable of or how much he loves us… He’s trying smash our hearts open for a break through… a revelation that …
“Drifting” (Greg Wasinski)
In this segment, Inspirational Speaker & Author, Greg Wasinski, paints the picture of what happens to our focus as we slowly drift from where we start. Whether it is on the waves of the ocean or our faith, the result is the same.
Song – “Hold on to Love” (Jesse Manibusan)
In this segment, Catholic Musician & Evangelist, Jesse Manibusan, shares his song “Hold on to Love.” Whatever these lyrics mean for your life, there is a connection and a need to fight for what is most important.
“Vocation or Job?” (Megan Bolin)
In this segment, Megan Bolin, President of the Catholic Young Professionals of Cleveland, helps us better understand the struggles of finding what we love… especially young adults.