Side by Side – Day 40 “What’s Your Role?”

Gregory Wasinski Uncategorized

Every year I offer the same reflection on Palm Sunday… yet, every year it is going to be different for you. Why? Because we change, our role in the Passion changes, and we desire to one day not have to see ourselves on this hard journey with Jesus.

This is the beginning of Holy Week and the moment everything changes in our story. We see Jesus glorified one minute and crucified the next. How could it all change so quickly? How could His friends sell Him out and not stop the madness? He told them for a long time what would happen. Truth is, it had to happen and they all had to play their role in it.

Let today pull you in to the story of Christ’s passion. May your convictions grow stronger because of all the preparation you have been doing. And if this is the beginning of your Lenten journey, that is okay too, it’s an incredible place to start. May the role we play from this day forward be one of a faith-filled disciple sitting at the feet, trusting in our Master who will make all things new.