Greg Wasinski interviews Michelle Piccolo, from Plymouth MI about her journey to discern a life “married to Jesus.” Michelle is a consecrated virgin who answered the call to preserve her purity to live a life unified with Christ in a beautiful and self-giving way. This episode of the podcast is one that calls all of us to think more deeply about how God is calling us into relationship in this world. Whether single, married, consecrated, or religious, all of us are being asked to say “yes” or “I do” in a manner of communion with Jesus at our center.
Greg Wasinski is a full-time Catholic Speaker and Author who has traveled the country since 2009 sharing a message of hope through faith. He has presented in over 115 cities, across 26 states and 2 countries. His podcasts and video blogs have been seen around the world inspiring others to commit more deeply to a relationship with God, and helping the faithful toward a better understanding of “why we believe what we believe.” For more information visit:
Trilogy Retreat Property is a 24 acre, bed and breakfast style retreat property in Northeast, OH. With five guest rooms, a two-acre lake, guest cottage, swimming pool, and indoor hot tub, guests feel comfort while allowing their soul to find rest and experience God in a new way. For more information visit:
Music taken from the song “Glimpses of You” by Michael James Mette. For more information visit: